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Couverture de Time Bomb

Time Bomb

De : Michael Mathiesen
Lu par : Michael Mathiesen
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    There is a huge bomb that is ticking down to the moment when it must go off and it’s right underneath your feet. This almost unseen Time Bomb is so massive that it will kill every man woman, child, dog, cat, birds, insects, donkeys, horses, all the fish in the sea, the whales, the dolphins, plankton, trees, plants, flowers and every other thing that lives here on this planet.

    Time is ticking away and so I thought I’d better warn everyone. But there’s nowhere to run. We have to all take a stand by joining what I call the final SWAT Team. (Save our World Again Today) If you choose not to saddle up and fight the good fight - it’s curtains for the human race.

    In my new book, listeners will learn about how Time Flies about the universe in waves, how the waves are created by the smallest particles in the subatomic world—chronons—and how they are all connected to one another and to every particle that makes you and your life exist.

    This is revolutionary new science based on events in my life and probably in yours that have interacted with mine in subtle ways such as the fact that you are now listening to my text out of the billions upon billions of other texts on the Internet today. It's no accident, let me assure you.

    It’s ironic also that Einstein’s famous equation of E=mc2 was the key to the production of the most destructive forces humans have ever unleashed, the nuclear weapons that today threaten the greatest mass extinction in history, but in this work, we uncover a different equation that can and will produce the opposite effects of the most creative and life-saving of forces ever known.

    ©2024 Michael Mathiesen (P)2024 Michael Mathiesen

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