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Couverture de Time After Time

Time After Time

De : Lisa Grunwald
Lu par : Erin Bennett
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    A magical love story, inspired by the legend of a woman who vanished from Grand Central Terminal, sweeps readers from the 1920s to World War II and beyond.

    "Readers who enjoyed Audrey Niffenegger’s The Time Traveler’s Wife will be enchanted." (Publishers Weekly)

    "I utterly loved this clever, charming, hopeful tale of true love against all odds." (Ariel Lawhon, New York Times best-selling author of I Was Anastasia)

    On a clear December morning in 1937, at the famous gold clock in Grand Central Terminal, Joe Reynolds, a hardworking railroad man from Queens, meets a vibrant young woman who seems mysteriously out of place. Nora Lansing is a Manhattan socialite and an aspiring artist whose flapper clothing, pearl earrings, and talk of the Roaring Twenties don’t seem to match the bleak mood of Depression-era New York. Captivated by Nora from her first electric touch, Joe despairs when he tries to walk her home and she disappears. Finding her again - and again - will become the focus of his love and his life.

    As thousands of visitors pass under the famous celestial blue ceiling each day, Joe and Nora create a life of infinite love in a finite space, taking full advantage of the "Terminal City" within a city. But when the construction of another landmark threatens their future, Nora and Joe are forced to test the limits of their freedom - and their love.

    Praise for Time After Time

    "I’ll never again set foot in Grand Central Terminal without looking over my shoulder for Nora and Joe, or marveling at the station itself - a backdrop as intriguing as the love story that unfolds beneath its star-studded ceiling." (Georgia Hunter, New York Times best-selling author of We Were the Lucky Ones)

    "In lively prose set against the fascinating history of Grand Central...Grunwald asks a compelling question: How long would we stay in one place [for love]?" (Time)

    "The spectacular Lisa Grunwald has written a classic story of fate, true love, art, and chance with truth and beauty. You will want to share it with every reader you know." (Adriana Trigiani, New York Times best-selling author of Tony’s Wife)

    ©2019 Lisa Grunwald (P)2019 Random House Audio


    "In lively prose set against the fascinating history of Grand Central, Grunwald’s characters quickly solve the mystery of Nora’s disappearance. But making her stay is harder: she can never go more than a stone’s throw past the terminal.... It’s familiar territory to consider the lengths to which we’d go for love. But Grunwald asks a compelling question: How long would we stay in one place?" (Time)

    "Time After Time doesn’t just re-create the lost New York of the 1920s to 1940s, it inhabits it - and so will the reader, in the company of the book’s wonderful characters." (Daniel Okrent, author of Last Call and The Guarded Gate)

    "Here is a glorious novel to savor and return to again and again. I fell in love with Joe and Nora, star-crossed lovers from a time when women wore gloves, men wore hats and a train ticket could change the course of your life. The spectacular Lisa Grunwald has written a classic story of fate, true love, art, and chance with truth and beauty. You will want to share it with every reader you know." (Adriana Trigiani, best-selling author of Tony’s Wife)

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