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Couverture de Thunderbolt Curse

Thunderbolt Curse

De : Matthew J. Olson
Lu par : Jodi Roybal
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    "If anyone has any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace."

    Marta was shocked when someone came to object to her and Jethro Bourne’s union. She was then shocked by the lightning this person threw at the couple despite no indications that she was a witch. Marta was knocked unconscious and Bourne was put into a coma.

    Upon waking, Marta learns that her attacker had escaped all the other witches and warlocks attending the wedding by flying on a broom with promises to be back to finish the job. She is dead set on having either Marta or Bourne destroyed.

    It is hard to face this new threat when Marta faces so many distractions, including a power-seeking deputy, a cat that is acting like a jerk, and trying to figure out this flying ability to get on an equal footing with this foe.

    Help seems to come from some of the most unlikely of places, but she does gather a force that still can’t defeat this attacker. Since a coma can’t be healed, Marta is powerless to help her beau despite all her powers. Is everything she is doing enough to keep her, Bourne, and her friends alive?

    ©2024 Matthew J. Olson (P)2024 Matthew J. Olson

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