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Couverture de Through the Gauntlet

Through the Gauntlet

De : Shannon Reber
Lu par : Brandi Baelfire
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    So much has happened in Quinlan Michaels' life in the past month, although dealing with those changes has become far harder for her. She knows who she is. Her magic is unlocked. And she's freed her mother. But the story is far from over. Fintan wants to punish everyone who ever hurt him. He's annihilated almost an entire pantheon. His need for revenge hasn't passed. It's only gotten stronger. He's ready to turn his attention on the human realm, to make them pay for not accepting him when he was a child. Who will live and who will die? What other secrets are being kept from all of them? There are good things all around them. But the questions are only getting bigger. Find out what happens next!

    ©2023 Shannon Reber (P)2023 Shannon Seachrist

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