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Couverture de Through the Fires

Through the Fires

De : Robert Owen Carr, Dirk Johnson - contributor
Lu par : Sean Pratt
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    Through the Fires is a triumphant comeback story in life and business. Robert Carr reflects on decades of struggle that took him to the brink of financial ruin at age 50. Carr would later make a fortune in the card payments industry only to lose almost everything in 2009 after one of the most devastating data breaches ever. Carr's story is a vulnerable and honest depiction of holding on and staying true to the values that in the end became pillars that supported the turbulent times and allowed him to break through more than once to thrive in both business and life. This is a message of hope for aspiring young people just starting out in a career, the seasoned professional, and everything in between.

    Listeners will cheer out loud for the way Carr shapes culture and fosters employee respect, incentive, and growth and how that impacts motivation, productivity, and, most importantly, loyalty!

    ©2014 Robert Owen Carr (P)2015 Gildan Media LLC

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