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Couverture de Through My Eyes

Through My Eyes

De : Vendon Wright
Lu par : Bessi Prothero
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    When I was six years old, I started wearing glasses to correct my short sight. My view of my low vision quickly changed when I was twenty years old and found out that my brother had suddenly gone blind. He was told that he was suffering from Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), a disorder that slowly destroys the pigment cells in the eyes. So far, there are no known cures. At the tender age of twenty-one, I was also diagnosed with RP. Since then, I have been slowly going blind, not knowing when my world would finally fade away forever. Battling against such a crippling disease led me through a labyrinth of challenges. Having to constantly adapt my lifestyle to fit the changes to my vision became almost unbearable.

    During my journey, I experienced a wide range of emotions as I fought to find a way to deal with my disability. After a long hard battle, overcoming huge obstacles, I finally learned to embrace my medical condition.

    Despite the problems it has caused me, I have managed to keep a positive attitude towards life. Now I would like to pass on my strengths to other people.

    ©2014 Vendon Wright (P)2024 Vendon Wright

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