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Thriller: The Lake Murders

De : Tracy Stewart
Lu par : Millian Quinteros
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Thriller One: "The Boy Who Was a Disappointment"

When James Alexander is found dead in a frozen lake near his parents' vacation lodge, the hunt is on for his killer. Detective Hernandez is hot on the trail, though things are always complex with rich folk. Talking to the boy's parents, Hernandez forms an opinion as to who is the guilty party. Will public opinion clearly on his side sway the case against the accused?

The characters within this story are judged, not only on their moral values, but upon their guilt in many different directions. Follow the thrills and spills as the story uncovers who murdered James Alexander. Was it the servants? A stranger? Was it one of his family members?

Thriller Two: "Twisted Truths"

When two couples go away on vacation, something happens that brings friendships to an end. The events, which befall Janice on that vacation, will follow her the rest of her life. However, justice does not seem to be on her side, at least not until she makes a discovery that changes the way the legal system looks at her case.

Having lost her husband, Janice is visiting the lake area where he drowned and reminiscing about the husband so cruelly taken from her. Ideas fill her head about how to get justice to come to the true conclusion.

In fact, words spoken by her lawyer spur her on to not giving up on finding out the truth and having it known. Against the backdrop of broken dreams, broken friendships, and broken belief in life, will she be able to bring the killer of her husband to justice? It's a hard road to take, though - one that leads through unexpected places.

©2015 Tracy Stewart (P)2015 Tracy Stewart
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