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Thriller: A Call Girl's Tale, Part One

De : Tracy Stewart
Lu par : Millian Quinteros
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Thriller: A Call Girl's Tale, Part One

In this part of a trilogy of stories, listeners are introduced to a young girl, a prostitute with a background that haunts her. With an Italian father and an American mother, our heroine is faced with life-changing decisions brought about by her new association with Emily.

Emily is going to change the approach of the young girl to her trade as a prostitute. Why? Because call girls with reputations make more money than street prostitutes. What Emily doesn't know is the girl's background. She doesn't know her attitude toward emotions that disturb her and drive her to murder.

Over the course of the story, Celestine learns how to cope with past events and how to separate men's fantasies from any kind of emotional involvement. Will she be found out? Will the detectives seeking out Paul Delaney's killer strike lucky? There are no spoilers here. Listeners need to follow the story to find out what happens.

©2015 Tracy Stewart (P)2015 Tracy Stewart
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