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Couverture de Threshold of Faith

Threshold of Faith

De : Vern Anderson, Richard Doebler
Lu par : Jack Zitzmann
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    Threshold of Faith is the story of Vern Anderson’s lifelong journey of discovery and blessing. From his family’s farm in Western Minnesota where he was rooted in the hardworking values of his immigrant Scandinavian heritage, Vern’s journey took him to the high-stakes world of American business. Along the way, Vern learned he could not confine God to traditional Sunday-morning religion. As Vern poured himself into the company he helped start, he came to see God at work daily. His faith grew even as he wrestled with doubts, questions, and uncertainties. Those day-to-day struggles, however, prepared Vern to step over the threshold of faith. 

    This is also a story of a company launched by faith. From its humble beginnings in a small shop in a small town, Douglas Machine grew to employ more than 700 who design and build one-of-a-kind packaging machines, now found in over 30 countries. Along with his cousin, Bud Thoen, and his brother, Paul, Vern watched God regularly guide their decisions, impact people - and even fix troublesome machines! Impossibilities became possible as they invited God into their workplace. Threshold of Faith tells of a God who is “always there” - at home, at school, and even at work. Let this book entertain and inspire you with the faith to step over the threshold and into God’s best for you.

    ©2020 Vern Anderson (P)2021 Vern Anderson

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