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Three Wise Monkeys

De : Dennis Devlin, Jeff Jones
Lu par : Jeff Jones
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For a business to achieve transformative success through building a culture of clarity, it must be relentless in leveraging clear insights about the business’s customer, competition, and brand. Radical discipline helps ensure success. What it boils down to is consistency. A business must consistently empower its people to be curious about the customer, to be discoverers about the competition and the marketplace, and to be truth-tellers when sharing the company’s brand story to authentically and effectively differentiate the business. Doing so consistently makes it even more powerful.

Clarity is power, and consistency is a superpower. Underlying both clarity and consistency is the impact of clear insights—finding them and then leveraging them in the organization because they represent the path to greater clarity.

Three Wise Monkeys is about creating a culture of clarity, as its subtitle highlights. The book provides a blueprint for how to accomplish that goal so the business can achieve transformative success—in increasing revenues, market share, and profit margin. However, at its most foundational, this book is about advocating and elevating the critical importance of research and insights in a business. Insights lead to direction which in turn leads to success. With great clarity and consistency, insights drive transformative success.

©2022 Jeffrey L. Jones (P)2022 Jeffrey L. Jones
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