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Couverture de Three-Martini Lunch

Three-Martini Lunch

De : Suzanne Rindell
Lu par : Will Damron, JD Jackson, Rebecca Lowman
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    From the author of the “thrilling” (The Christian Science Monitor) novel The Other Typist comes an evocative, multilayered story of ambition, success, and secrecy in 1950s New York.

    In 1958, Greenwich Village buzzes with beatniks, jazz clubs, and new ideas - the ideal spot for three ambitious young people to meet. Cliff Nelson, the son of a successful book editor, is convinced he’s the next Kerouac, if only his father would notice. Eden Katz dreams of being an editor but is shocked when she encounters roadblocks to that ambition. And Miles Tillman, a talented black writer from Harlem, seeks to learn the truth about his father’s past, finding love in the process. Though different from one another, all three share a common goal: To succeed in the competitive and uncompromising world of book publishing. As they reach for what they want, they come to understand what they must sacrifice, conceal, and betray to achieve their goals, learning they must live with the consequences of their choices. In Three-Martini Lunch, Suzanne Rindell has written both a pause-resisting morality tale and a captivating look at a stylish, demanding era - and a world steeped in tradition that’s poised for great upheaval.

    ©2016 Suzanne Rindell (P)2016 Penguin Audio


    "Think of it as the publishing industry’s take on Mad Men: a gripping fictional dispatch from the world of talented writers and editors with big dreams, secrets, and booze bills.” (Entertainment Weekly)

    “Packed with narrative surprises...Rindell keeps the suspense strong as we wonder if Eden and Cliff and Miles are fated for success or doomed to failure.” (CT Post)

    “A rollicking period piece that builds to a magnificent crescendo. With an excellent ear for the patter and cadence of the time, Rindell expertly brings a bygone era to life, though the struggles of her trio feel anything but dated. While blackmail and backstabbing keep things suitably scandalous, Rindell also explores deeper issues of race, sexuality, class and gender in ways that feel vital and timely. The end result is a moving novel that proves provocative in more ways than one.” (BookPage)

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