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Couverture de Three


De : D. A. Mishani, Jessica Cohen - translator
Lu par : Lucy Paterson
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    A dark psychological thriller with a killer twist that has topped the best seller charts in its native Israel.

    Translated by Man Booker winner Jessica Cohen.

    Three tells the stories of three women: Orna, a divorced single mother looking for a new relationship, Emilia, a Latvian immigrant on a spiritual search and Ella, married and mother of three, returning to university to write her thesis. All of them will meet the same man. His name is Gil. He won't tell them the whole truth about himself - but they don't tell him everything, either.

    Tense, twisted and surprising, Three is a daring new form of psychological thriller. It is a declaration of war against the normalisation of death and violence. Slowly but surely, you see the danger into which each woman walks. What you won't see is the trap being laid - until it snaps shut.

    ©2018 D. A. Mishani (P)2018 Quercus Editions Limited

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