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  • Thought for Food

  • How to eat in the 21st century
  • De : James Collier
  • Durée : 7 h et 40 min

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Thought for Food

De : James Collier
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    Stop and consider how you eat, beyond just for your health, but for the planet and all that populates it, too.

    Our excess of food choices is leading to a shocking amount of food waste annually, despite many still experiencing persistent undernutrition in many regions. The industrialisation of eating has driven us to produce food that endangers biodiversity, is less nutritious than intended, causes unnecessary suffering and irreversibly harms the environment. Our environment is being destroyed, animals are increasingly exploited and metabolic diseases of excess prevail.

    Thought for Food takes a deep dive into how what’s at stake goes beyond just our own health but that of our planet and the people and animals that populate it. James Collier gets to the bottom of critically important concerns that relate to poor nutrition and its impact on physical and mental health, the environment and animal welfare.

    Through his five pillars of contemplative nutrition, James lays out the key considerations we have no choice but to make in the 21st century, to get you to pause and think about what you eat, considering more than just yourself, but the world around us at large.

    ©2025 James Collier (P)2025 HarperCollins Publishers

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