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Those Who Survived

De : Joshua Stefan
Lu par : Gabriel J Zoromski
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A Christian apocalyptic fiction novel.

The day arrived. Full-scale nuclear war erupted. Iran launched the first missile followed by North Korea. The US and NATO responded. Then Russia and China fired.

The world burned. The amount of death was more horrifying than anyone could imagine. Perhaps the dead were the lucky ones.

After the posturing and threats, after the military exercises, the nukes were fired. On less-populated areas at first, then the large cities were hit. Major cities around the globe dissolved like they were made of sand. Billions of people were wiped off the map. More attacks followed thereafter.

Then for a moment, it all went silent but it was only the inhaling gasp before the deafening scream. Global anarchy unleashed as the fight for survival began.

Terror became a new lifestyle. Evil rolled across the globe like a red carpet. Human trafficking skyrocketed. The despicable commerce of bodies and souls didn’t wilt and die in the fires of the nuclear holocaust, it bloomed.

Once contributors to the problem, Kade Bishop and Jesse Matthews fight to change their ways by helping a group of captive women escape the clutches of an evasive man named Knox.

Come along as they fight to get the women back to their families, stay free, and move toward redemption and healing for them all.

©2024 Joshua Stefan (P)2024 Joshua Stefan
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