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Couverture de Thorfinn and the Dreadful Dragon and Other Adventures

Thorfinn and the Dreadful Dragon and Other Adventures

De : David MacPhail
Lu par : Ross Dwyer
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    Four adventures for Thorfinn the Nicest Viking in this hilarious, action-packed series for young listeners which bridges the gap between Horrid Henry and Diary of a Wimpy Kid, set in a world where manners mean nothing and politeness is pointless!

    Prepare yourself for the wrath of the Norsemen! That is, if you don't mind and it's not too inconvenient.

    Thorfinn and the Raging Raiders: Indgar villagers are out watching an elk polo match, the village is attacked and Thorfinn's mum goes missing, presumed kidnapped. Harald, Velda Thorfinn and his boisterous brothers chase the mysterious raiders across the North Sea towards Scotland. Will Thorfinn the Nicest Viking manage to find his mum and bring her back home safe and sound?

    Thorfinn and the Terrible Treasure: Harald the Skull-Splitter - along with fellow chiefs Magnus the Bone-Breaker and Ranulf the King-Thumper - finds a massive treasure chest in the remote Western Isles of Scotland. Thorfinn and his rival Olaf must guard it overnight, but despite their best efforts, they can't help falling asleep. In the morning the treasure has disappeared, and now Thorfinn’s village is at stake. Can Thorfinn the Nicest Viking and his friends find the missing loot in time to save their village?

    Thorfinn and the Dreadful Dragon: vikings far and wide are travelling to Scotland's Shetland Islands for the great Fire Festival, where they'll compete to become ultimate champion by creating dazzling fire displays. Chief Harald is determined to be victorious, but it seems as if Thorfinn has ruined their chances against rival viking chief Magnus the Bone-Breaker, until he remembers a story about a once-legendary dragon, now in hiding. Can Thorfinn and his ragtag crew track down the dreadful dragon and persuade her to help them put on a winning performance?

    Thorfinn and the Putrid Potion: when Chief Harald is poisoned by a putrid sleeping potion, Thorfinn suspects visiting soothsayer Ragwich. Banished for offending the power-hungry wise man, Thorfinn and his friends set sail to find the world's best potion maker to brew a cure. Unfortunately, the antidote requires a very rare ingredient. Can Thorfinn find the cure and wake Harald before Ragwich takes control of the village?

    ©2016, 2019, 2020 David MacPhail (P)2021 Bolinda Publishing
    • Série : Thorfinn, Volume 7
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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