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  • Thomas Wildus and the Wizard of Sumeria

  • The Elandrian Chronicles, Book 2
  • De : J. M. Bergen
  • Lu par : Matthew Jaeger
  • Durée : 8 h et 32 min

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Thomas Wildus and the Wizard of Sumeria

De : J. M. Bergen
Lu par : Matthew Jaeger
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    A boy discovering his destiny. An ancient object of unspeakable power. An impenetrable web of deception.

    Three months ago Thomas and his friends faced off against the enigmatic Arius Strong in a fight to determine the future of humanity. When they defeated the billionaire-magician and his two most powerful allies, they thought the war was over. It was only just beginning.

    Now, with a mysterious message from an unknown hacker, the action starts again. This time the stakes are higher, the enemies stronger, and the future more uncertain. Will Thomas and his friends see through the lies in time to stop the forces of evil and prevent a global catastrophe?

    If you enjoy stories steeped in mystery, magic, friendship, and adventure, you’ll love the second installment of J.M. Bergen’s Thomas Wildus franchise, a multi-award winning series that is “perfect for fans of Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, “a stunning fantasy novel”, and “a book series middle schoolers will love”.

    Thomas Wildus and the Wizard of Sumeria is the second book in a series of urban fantasy novels for children and teens.

    Buy your copy and join the adventure today!

    ©2020 J.M. Bergen (P)2020 J.M. Bergen


    "Welcome to a new world of magic, mystery, and delight!" (San Francisco Book Review)

    "Parallels will of course be drawn to the Harry Potter series - and rightfully so - but this book also shares much in common with Madeleine L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time." (Red City Review)  

    " adventure tale that proves hard to put down.” (Midwest Book Review)

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