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Couverture de Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson

De : Maira Kalman
Lu par : Susie Berneis
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    Thomas Jefferson is perhaps best known for writing the Declaration of Independence--but there's so much more to discover. This energetic man was interested in everything. He played violin, spoke seven languages, and was a scientist, naturalist, botanist, mathematician, and architect. He designed his magnificent home, Monticello, which is full of objects he collected from around the world. Our first foodie, he grew more than 15 kinds of peas and advocated a mostly vegetarian diet. And, oh yes, as our third president,he doubled the size of the United States and sent Lewis and Clark to explore it.

    ©2014 Maira Kalman (P)2015 Dreamscape Media, LLC
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    "Vibrant gouache paintings--some full-spread, some more intimate images--capture Jefferson's family and colleagues, his interests and pursuits, his lavish home, and its inferior slave quarters. The voice is that of a curious child reporting fascinating research findings. The rangy tone, however, allows Kalman to supply a wealth of information.... Playful but informative, as quick witted as Jefferson himself, this will...inspire young readers to learn more." ( Booklist)
    "Bits of historical context are included, but the focus here is on the man and his 'pursuit of everything'.... Kalman's distinctive, bold-stroked gouache paintings keep the tone light and fresh, providing plenty of details that garner a closer look. Share inspire young historians and artists alike." ( School Library Journal)

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