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Couverture de This Song Is (Not) for You

This Song Is (Not) for You

De : Laura Nowlin
Lu par : Hannah Carmona
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    "Music is the second most important thing," I say. That was something my mother would always say. We've stopped saying it out loud, but I think it all the same.

    The most important thing is love.

    From the author of the New York Times and USA Today bestselling If He Had Been With Me comes a captivating novel about navigating—and protecting—the loves and friendships that sustain us.

    Ramona fell for Sam the moment she met him. It was like she had known him forever. He's one of the few constants in her life, and their friendship is just too important to risk for a kiss. Though she really wants to kiss him . . .

    Sam loves Ramona, but he would never expect her to feel the same way—she's too quirky and cool for someone like him. Still, they complement each other perfectly, both as best friends and as a band.

    Then they meet Tom. Tom makes music too, and he's the band's missing piece. The three quickly become inseparable. Except Ramona's falling in love with Tom. But she hasn't fallen out of love with Sam either. How can she be true to her feelings and herself without losing the very relationships that make her heart sing?

    ©2016, 2024 Laura Nowlin (P)2025 Tantor

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