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Couverture de This Is My Way

This Is My Way

De : Mauricio Vasquez, Be.Bull Publishing
Lu par : Keith L. O'Brien for HotGhost Productions
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    It’s ridiculous how quickly an entire year can go by! With how busy you can get, it can seem like there is never any time to reflect on what has happened and how it has impacted you.

    What if there was a way to find inspiration every single day? Not just here and there, but instead, you would create a consistent, safe space for you to cultivate your confidence and build a better you!

    This process is about more than one approach. Here are just a few benefits that are waiting for you thanks to this self-care book:

    • Discovering what truly brings you joy and inspiration in life. This daily question journal has powerful questions help you gain new perspectives, furthering learning, and subsequent growth.
    • How a self reflection positive journal can be a powerful tool for your growth and self-guidance.
    • How positive thinking everyday can make your thoughts work for you and not against you with daily inspiration for you.
    • That prioritizing your self-care will help create impactful, healthy habits thanks to the use of this daily positive affirmations journal.

    Every single day in your life there are opportunities to grow or to remain where we are, but you can only choose the right one when you are prepared and ready for the chance itself! By developing a steady, one day at a time mindset with this daily affirmations book that has been built on a foundation of self-care, confidence, and self-honesty, you will make the best healthy choices for your benefit whenever they come around! You can achieve this with this daily journal for women and men.

    Instead of taking this approach month-by-month, or even by week, this self improvement journal is much more specific and focused on making sure that your growth is a daily occurrence! Every day you will receive a unique, inspirational phrase to give you something personal and real to consider as you go about your day.

    Once you have dedicated time and thought to that inspiration, you will be met with a few questions as a guide to navigate you through the reflection process. It is not only a self affirmation book, but also a book of questions to really reflect. It is like a "one question a day for you for self-care" journal, but this positive-thinking book has more than just one question per day. There are a number of questions per day to ignite insightful thinking. There are a number of questions per day to ignite insightful thinking.

    Whether you are using that time to gain more control over your anxiety, building yourself up through positive affirmations, or learning about how your actions impact the lives of others, not a day will pass when you won’t discover something new about yourself, and also how you can improve on a consistent, progressive, daily basis!

    This is more than just a self-help audiobook: this is a year that is about a deeper understanding about life, who you are, and what your purpose is! Discover the best version of yourself and how to manifest that same improvement in all aspects of your life. You are worth the 365-day investment and deserve the powerful results that will follow! This is one year of positive thinking for you. Don’t miss the amazing results you can get from this positive mindset book. Self-care is for everyone, including you.

    Don’t wait any longer. Buy your journal today and change your life!

    ©2022 Aria Capri International Inc. (P)2023 Aria Capri International Inc.

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