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Couverture de This Is My Story; This Is My Song

This Is My Story; This Is My Song

De : Dr. Willie H. Clemons
Lu par : Mirron Willis
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    Dr. Willie H. Clemons's inspiring book, This Is My Story: This Is My Song: One Man's Journey To Turning Oppositions Into Opportunities And Fulfilling His Unique Gifts, shares his personal experiences and insights on growing up in Alabama. Along the way, the author weaves a beautiful and inspiring story of his journey to fulfilling his childhood dreams of a life of service.

    Dedicated to being a change agent and bridge builder for his African American community, he was unwavering on what he felt was his God-given purpose. He shares the challenges he faced during the Jim Crow era in Alabama and how he turned those challenges into opportunities. As we journey with him from 1940s Mobile, Alabama, to Chicago and on to the bustling and progressive city of Atlanta, we not only get a sweeping overview of history, a vicarious travelogue experience and the grit and conviction of the man; we cannot help but be inspired by the impact and legacy of a man who dedicated his life to service and his community.

    At the end of every chapter, Dr. Clemons offers practical advice in his teachable moments section on how to turn your dreams into reality.

    ©2023 Dr. Willie Howard Clemons (P)2024 HighBridge, a division of Recorded Books

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