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  • This Autistic Girl Went to Japan

  • And You Won't Believe What Happened Next
  • De : Bianca Toeps
  • Lu par : Jessica Harris
  • Durée : 5 h et 8 min

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This Autistic Girl Went to Japan

De : Bianca Toeps
Lu par : Jessica Harris
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    This Autistic Girl Went to Japan is the inspiring story of a young woman who moved halfway around the world in pursuit of happiness. With humor and remarkable candor, Bianca describes the challenges of applying for a visa during a time of terrifying uncertainty, slogging through endless red tape, and the loneliness that comes with being a stranger in a strange land. Oh, and how she wound up evicting a bat from her new apartment, attending a Pokémon GO event with a bunch of middle-aged women, and discovering the best thrift store in all of Tokyo. Along the way, she explains why she feels so at home in Japan, where things are often a bit easier for autistic folks. Well, except for revenue stamps. And opening a bank account. And faxes.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2024 Bianca Toeps (P)2024 Bianca Toeps

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