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  • Think Outside the Box

  • Outsmart Your Laziness, Think Intelligently, Generate Ideas on Demand, Make Smarter Choices and Be a Productivity Machine
  • De : Andrew Thomson
  • Lu par : R.F. McCoy
  • Durée : 3 h et 1 min

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Think Outside the Box

De : Andrew Thomson
Lu par : R.F. McCoy
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    Is your potential limited due to your procrastination habit? Are you tired of the guilt, stress, and overwhelm? Do you want to learn the secret to getting things done quickly and effectively so you can increase your success in all areas of life? Do you want to make smart choices and solve your problems faster? Learn how to stop procrastinating, once and for all.

    In this no-fluff and action-oriented book, you’ll discover the real reason behind your procrastination (there’s only one), and you’ll find potent tools to help you overcome procrastination for good, make smarter decisions, overcome challenges, and become a productivity machine. 

    Imagine having access to a fully loaded toolbox with the sharpest thinking tool you could use to analyze every situation holistically? Turn your brain into a powerful dynamo by learning how geniuses think.

    Here is a small sample of what you will learn:

    • A simple strategy for programming your unconscious mind to act in any way you like
    • A quick walk-through of the new science of willpower: why you need it, easy ways to get more of it, and step-by-step advice on how you’ll use it to overcome procrastination
    • Ways how these decision-making models can help you make holistic decisions by following right steps to decision making.
    • Steps to solve complex problems with ease
    • The one thing you need to do right now to unstick yourself and get your motivation back
    • Ways how creative thinkers like Einstein, Tesla, and Archimedes used chilling out technique to invite innovative ideas and make insightful observations.
    • Strategies that can help you become a more disciplined thinker, developing your analytical, reasoning, and reflective thinking skills.
    • Methods to improve your sex life and health
    • And much, much more! 

    Think Outside the Box is your must-listen guide for regaining the life you want. If you like easy-to-understand strategies, practical exercises, and no-nonsense teachers, you’ll love this book.

    Click the "buy now" button, and start today.

    ©2019 Andrew Thomson (P)2019 Jodie Wade

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