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Couverture de They Rot

They Rot

De : Luke Kondor, Daniel Willcocks
Lu par : Justin Fife
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    They fight. They live. They rot.

    Eight years ago, an infection hit London, before spreading outwards. Ninety percent of the population was either contained by the military, trampled during the riots, or infected by the disease.

    A disease that came to be known as The Rot.

    Colin Bolton survived the incident, but not without losing everything he held dear to him - his life, his love, and his humanity.

    Now, he's living at a farmhouse, acting as a bodyguard for a new surrogate family. Life is stable. He's making do. He’s surviving. That is...until a vagrant scavenger comes knocking at the door, desperate for food and water.

    An encounter that will spin Colin’s life into chaos once more, bringing him face to face with a murderous family, the dead and the dying, and the failures of his past.

    They Rot is the first book in a brutal new series of post-apocalyptia set in Great Britain. It’s brought to you by Willcocks and Kondor, two of the groundbreaking authors behind the iTunes chart-busting podcast, The Other Stories, and the story studio, Hawk & Cleaver - a digital story studio bringing you the best new stories to watch, read, sniff, and absorb.

    Get your free book at

    ©2017 Luke Kondor & Daniel Willcocks (P)2018 Hawk & Cleaver

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