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Couverture de They Love Me Knot

They Love Me Knot

De : Raelynn Rose
Lu par : Joshua Macrae
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    I had plans for my life, and being a good little omega wasn’t on the list. But being the daughter of a powerful and wealthy pack means following their rules.

    Now I’m housed with a sexy as sin alpha charged with watching over me while I interview packs to court. But Kai is far more interesting and appealing than any of the alphas my family has sent my way.

    No matter how hard I fight it, my heart, mind, and body know exactly what I want, and it’s the gruff, muscled bodyguard who pretends he doesn’t want me. But he can’t pretend forever.

    I should have ignored him. I should have pretended he was nothing more than background noise. Because now I’m fighting the urge to throw everything out the window to explore what’s growing between us.

    When my fathers find the perfect pack, I should be overjoyed. This pack has the means to dote on an omega. They have the means to keep me in the lap of luxury.

    But this pack is also good at keeping their masks in place until they know I have no choice and nowhere to go.

    Will I find my voice and follow my heart? Or will I learn to obey my new alphas and become the perfect little omega they demand from me?

    ©2024 Raelynn Rose (P)2024 Raelynn Rose

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