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Couverture de These Sinful Nights

These Sinful Nights

De : Elizabeth Bardot
Lu par : Nathaniel Black, Sofia Lette
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    What happens when you steal from the devil himself? He comes looking for payback in the form of your heart, body, and soul.

    I may be on the straight and narrow now, but my past self was anything but the picture-perfect good girl. When I am left with no choice but to return to my bad ways to help pull the family out of debt, I do it in style.

    Little did I know I would end up committing myself and my best friend to the devil himself—Dante Mendez—and his brother to pay back the debt, and in the process, I would end up falling into a world that isn't what it seems.

    Add to that an old flame who suddenly wants to make himself the hero of my story and feelings expressed by my best friend that I never imagined, and my entire world is turned upside down.

    Caught amongst a cartel war that spares no prisoners, I might finally get to have my own happily ever after if I'm willing to submit my heart to the keeping of these dangerous men...

    These Sinful Nights is a why-choose mafia romance. It is a standalone within the Sinners Bay series and has a HEA for these characters. It's interconnected with the other books, and the series is best enjoyed in order.

    ©2023 Elizabeth Bardot (P)2023 Podium Audio

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