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  • There Remains a Sabbath Rest for the People of God

  • A Biblical, Theological, & Historical Defense of Sabbath Rest as a Creation Ordinance
  • De : Jon Lee
  • Lu par : Joshua David Ling
  • Durée : 6 h et 29 min

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There Remains a Sabbath Rest for the People of God

De : Jon Lee
Lu par : Joshua David Ling
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    This book contains a defense of the idea that God’s rest on Day 7 of the creation week is instructive for people today. More technically, this book argues for the propriety of weekly Sabbath rest. This means that the normal pattern to be followed by humanity is a week, consisting of seven 24-hour days, six of which are spent in work while the other day is devoted to rest. Theologians would use the language of God’s rest being a “creation ordinance,” which is a term that many theologians use, but none have defined.

    To aid the discussion, this book defines a creation ordinance as a normative, but not uniformly observed, general pattern the exceptions to which must fulfill and contribute to the pattern’s fulfillment; moreover, the pattern must be confirmed, not negated or abrogated, by later biblical revelation.

    After discussing methodological and hermeneutical presuppositions, the heart of the book begins in chapter 3 with biblical-theological analysis of Genesis 2, noting that God’s rest is the consummation of God’s creative work, God’s enthronement in his cosmic temple, and his consecration of the creation unto him. God’s rest ought to be imitated by mankind for several reasons: God’s intention behind the pattern, Mosaic authorship of Genesis, and the fourth commandment in the decalogue explicitly cites God’s rest in Genesis 2. Later, a detailed analysis is provided of the sabbath commandment in the old covenant. The sabbath ordinance takes on supplemental ceremonial importance under the Mosaic law.

    Then, the book moves into the New Testament analysis, where Jesus is shown to be the giver of rest. Being the fulfillment to which all the Old Testament types were pointing, Jesus brings salvific rest through his perfect atonement.

    ©2024 Jon English Lee (P)2024 Founders Press

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