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Theodore Roosevelt and the Hunt for the Liopleurodon

De : M. B. Zucker, Historium Press
Lu par : Cory Cunningham
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From M. B. Zucker, award-winning author of The Eisenhower Chronicles

Liopleurodon ferox was the deadliest sea predator of all time, the king of the Jurassic ocean. This whale-sized reptile's return to the early 20th century triggers a geopolitical crisis in this new historical science fiction thriller. Former President Theodore Roosevelt foresees the threat the Liopleurodon would pose if it falls into the wrong hands. The race is on as Roosevelt leads the American effort to destroy it before the Kaiser's Germany can turn it into a weapon.

Fans of Jurassic Park and Steve Alten's Meg series will not want to miss this adventure filled with action, political intrigue, and characters that listeners will remember long after finishing this novel.

"Throughout the novel, Roosevelt was a great big hoot. Always larger than life, he commanded the narrative and chewed up the scenery in the best possible way... As a reader, I was onboard too. In fact, the finale made me a little sad. 'Why can't reality be as exciting as this?" I thought to myself as I shut down my Kindle for the night.'—Review from The Monster Book Club

©2022 Michael Zucker (P)2024 Michael Zucker
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    "The storyline itself was super—a Jaws/Jurassic Park thriller and a bit of a spy novel all in one—and compelling." (The Historical Fiction Company)

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