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Couverture de Then Everything Went Wrong

Then Everything Went Wrong

De : Judd Winick
Lu par : Quincy Surasmith, Kathleen McInerney, Bahni Turpin, Jessica Almasy, Annie Q, Lee Osorio, Torian Brackett, Feodor Chin, Catherine Ho, David Lee Huynh, JD Jackson, Yuuki Luna, Adenrele Ojo, Full Cast
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    "An action-packed page turner with heart!"--Dav Pilkey, author of DOG MAN

    Take off on a new adventure and find out more about what really happened on Hilo's world with HILO--the hilarious, action-packed New York Times bestselling graphic novel series that kids love!

    MORE ACTION! MORE FUN! MORE LAUGHS! MORE ROBOTS! What REALLY happened in Hilo's world before he came to Earth? D.J. and our favorite space boy, Hilo, take a DANGEROUS trip to Hilo's home planet to find out! But everything Hilo thinks he knows about his past is about to be turned inside out and UPSIDE DOWN! Hilo was supposed to save everyone...but what happens if it's Hilo that needs saving?! Is ANYONE who we think they are? Can Hilo and his friends figure out how all the pieces fit...before it's too late?!

    An ILA - CBC Children's Choice

    Here's what people (and robots!) are saying about Hilo!

    "More giant robotic ants and people going 'Aaaah!' than in the complete works of Jane Austen"--Neil Gaiman, bestselling author

    "Every kid would love a pal like HILO, and every kid will love this book!" --Lincoln Peirce, bestselling author of the Big Nate series

    "A perfect book for any kid who ever needed a friend and then had one with superpowers fall from space." --Seth Meyers, actor, comedian and writer

    "A story that can be enjoyed by the entire family."--The New York Times

    "A Total BLAST." --Miami Herald

    * "A wholeheartedly weird and wonderful tale of friendship, acceptance, and robots."--Kirkus Reviews, Starred Review

    * "A must-have."--School Library Journal, Starred Review

    ©2019 Judd Winick (P)2021 Listening Library
    • Série : Hilo, Volume 5
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    "A story that can be enjoyed by the entire family." (The New York Times)

    "A wholeheartedly weird and wonderful tale of friendship, acceptance, and robots." (Kirkus Reviews, starred review)

    "A must-have." (School Library Journal, starred review)

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