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Couverture de Their Christmas Carol

Their Christmas Carol

De : Jessica Gilmore
Lu par : Arielle DeLisle
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    Linnea Olsen never thought she'd be back in Marietta for good. But when her parents ask for help with the family orchard and cider-making business, she packs up her bags and heads to her hometown with her daughters in tow. Determined to settle into the community, she plans a Christmas charity concert. She soon realizes she’s in over her head, so when she hears that her singer-songwriter ex is back in town, she enlists his help.

    Uninspired by life on the road, singer-songwriter Nat Hathaway has quietly returned to Marietta to pen his new album. But his high school girlfriend, Linnea, has other ideas - she’s already volunteered him to co-organize a charity Christmas concert with her. As they spend more time together, Nat is drawn to the warmth and comfort that he sees in Linnea and her girls. Linnea knows that this is only a holiday romance because Nat will be back on the road soon, and she needs stability for her girls. Still, as the holiday season begins to wind down, she hopes that a Christmas miracle will inspire Nat to put roots down in Marietta for good.

    ©2017 Jessica Gilmore (P)2020 Dreamscape Media, LLC

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