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Couverture de The Zodiac Killer Anthology

The Zodiac Killer Anthology

De : W.A. Ashes, Liliyana Shadolwyn
Lu par : Steven Gillen
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    Step into the mystifying world of the Zodiac Killer Anthology, where twelve gripping tales await-one for each of the Zodiac signs. These men possess elemental magic connected to their signs, but they are incomplete without their counterparts-a woman unaware of her latent powers. When they unite, a kiss ignites their magic, marking them with tattoos that symbolize their unity. But lurking in the shadows is the villainous Ophiuchus, the 13th sign, wielding dark magic fueled by vengeance. With his accomplice, Italia, he seeks to unravel the bonds of love and destroy the other pairs. Embark on a journey of romance, magic, and intrigue as the battle between light and darkness unfolds in the Zodiac Killer Anthology.

    ©2024 Warrioress Publishing (P)2024 Warrioress Publishing

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