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Couverture de The Young Carthaginian

The Young Carthaginian

De : G. A. Henty
Lu par : Jim Weiss
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    A classic story brought to life through Jim Weiss's thrilling, thoughtfully and gently abridged narration.

    The struggle between Rome and Carthage was at first a struggle for empire, and then—on the part of Carthage—a struggle for existence. G.A. Henty's classic work, The Young Carthaginian, tells the story of this struggle and the attempt of Hannibal to conquer Rome, despite the formidable geographical barriers and the corrupt leadership in Carthage, which time-and-again undermined all his efforts. Malchus, the young hero, a cousin of Hannibal, becomes involved in political intrigue and joins Hannibal in Spain, sharing for a time in his adventures. Later, he suffers imprisonment and slavery and then escapes to Gaul, where he finally settles. This story is set around 220 B.C.

    Public Domain (P)2004 The Well-Trained Mind Press

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