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Couverture de The Yearling

The Yearling

De : Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
Lu par : Tom Stechschulte
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    Young Jody lives with his ma and pa on a farm in backwoods Florida. Life is hard there: cutting wood, planting fields, hauling water from a distant sinkhole. It is dangerous: wolves and bears roam the night. It’s also lonely for a young boy. One spring day, Jody’s pa kills a deer for meat. When Jody sees her spotted fawn in the brush, he convinces his father they should bring the fawn home. Thus begins a year when deer and boy are never far from each other. But the day will come when Jody must make a terrible choice between his beloved pet and his family’s survival.

    The Yearling, published 50 years ago, is an enduring classic which won the Pulitzer Prize. As it follows Jody from childhood to the first steps of adulthood, it has touched the hearts of readers of all ages. Now, with Tom Stechschulte’s warm narration, this moving story will delight an even wider audience.

    ©1966 Norton Baskin (P)1999 Recorded Books. LLC
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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