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  • The Yankee Way

  • The Untold Inside Story of the Brian Cashman Era
  • De : Andy Martino
  • Lu par : Andy Martino
  • Durée : 9 h et 49 min

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The Yankee Way

De : Andy Martino
Lu par : Andy Martino
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    With rare access to the inner sanctum of the New York Yankees, SNY analyst Andy Martino weaves two years of exclusive interviews with general manager Brian Cashman into a revelatory account of never-before-told stories about Derek Jeter, Aaron Judge, Alex Rodriguez, the complex front office, team ownership, and insights into the World Series wins and day-to-day running of the team that fans never get to see.

    When Brian Cashman arrived in the Bronx as an intern in 1986, he discovered a team in chaos, run on impulse and emotion and lacking the sheen that had defined the Yankees in earlier eras. Decades later, Cashman had risen through the ranks of the front office, earned the trust of the Steinbrenner family, and become the longest-serving GM in the Yankees’ storied history, helping to transform the Yankees to glory with a string of World Series championships and an unmatched streak of winning seasons.

    With unprecedented inside access and featuring exclusive interviews with Cashman, owner Hal Steinbrenner, top front-office executives, current Yankee stars and coaches, award-winning baseball journalist Andy Martino gives fans a view from the GM’s seat that we would never normally see. From Cashman’s battles with inscrutable team captain Derek Jeter, to tensions between Jeter and A-Rod, to Cashman’s struggles with beloved manager Joe Torre. This book explores the management of egos on the field and in the front office, as well as the evolution of the manager position over generations and into the analytics era. Packed with drama and intrigue, this is the definitive inside account of the most intriguing and storied franchise in Major League Baseball.

    ©2024 Andy Martino (P)2024 Random House Audio


    “Andy Martino has uncovered the secret sauce behind the Yankees sustained excellence, aka, The Yankee Way. Through countless interviews and tireless digging, Martino has cracked the previous proprietary code of what makes the Yankees the Yankees. This book covers all the years that I have been around the Yankees and I found myself frequently saying, ‘I didn’t know that.’ It’s a must read for anyone who loves baseball and wants to know how the sausage is made.”—Michael Kay, New York Yankees broadcaster for the YES Network, and host of The Michael Kay Show on ESPN New York Radio

    "Every Yankees fan knows the boldface names and broad-strokes history of the most successful franchise in sports. Now, with Andy Martino’s comprehensive and compelling The Yankee Way, we go behind the pinstriped curtain to the engine room of the empire. With lively anecdotes and insights from a wide array of first-hand sources, Martino weaves a tale of relationships forged and broken, architects emboldened and belittled, philosophies embraced and rejected–and the pull of an ever-evolving front office that keeps Brian Cashman, the indefatigable general manager, coming back for more."—Tyler Kepner, Senior Writer, The Athletic and New York Times bestselling author of K and The Grandest Stage

    “This is your all-access pass to the inner workings of the Yankees front office. Andy Martino has hit a grand slam for anyone who ever dreamed of having a seat at the table.”—Bryan Hoch, Yankees reporter for, author of 62: Aaron Judge, the New York Yankees and the Pursuit of Greatness

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