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Couverture de The Worst of You

The Worst of You

De : Sarah Richards
Lu par : Sarah Desjardins
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    Brace yourself for the latest gripping thriller from Sarah Richards, the bestselling author behind Audible hits China White and Born Winners. The Worst of You is a twisted tale full of mysteries that only grow more intense with each thrilling reveal, keeping you guessing until the shocking conclusion. Masterfully narrated by Sarah Desjardins (Yellowjackets), this immersive audiobook will have you captivated from start to finish.

    In The Worst of You, just-wed architects Timo and Nia flee a murder scene, setting in motion a chain reaction of lies and betrayals that threaten to unravel everything they have built together. Twisted and propulsive, this thriller is told from the alternating perspectives of the couple and those close to them on Williwaw Island, each with their own motive to use the outcome of the murder case to their advantage. When a huge storm sweeps up the coast, trapping everyone on tiny Williwaw Island, it’s a race against time—and the elements — to stop the murderer from striking again.

    ©2024 Audible Originals, LLC (P)2024 Audible Originals, LLC.

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    Very fast paced with plot twists all along the way ; not the weird ones that makes you lose interest because they make no sense but the good ones we love.
    I just stubled upon this writer but very VERY pleased I did!
    Enjoy your read, you won't be disappointed :)

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