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  • The Worm and the Fledgling

  • The Phoenix Trilogy: Story of Jane Seymour, Book 2
  • De : G. Lawrence
  • Lu par : Amanda Benzecry
  • Durée : 18 h et 28 min

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Couverture de The Worm and the Fledgling

The Worm and the Fledgling

De : G. Lawrence
Lu par : Amanda Benzecry
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    May 1529, London

    Jane Seymour has risen to become a lady in waiting to Queen Katherine, wife of King Henry VIII, but Jane has joined the household of the true Queen at a time most dangerous, as the King seeks to end his marriage to Katherine, and take Anne Boleyn as his Queen.

    Through years of struggle, Jane will watch as the England she knows, and the faith she honours are torn apart by the King's wish to take a new wife, and to break from the power of Rome. Devoted to her beloved mistress, Queen Katherine, Jane makes an oath to do all she can, to save England and its King. Little does Jane Seymour know that one day she will be in a position to fulfil her vow, becoming part of one of the most notorious events of English history; the fall of Queen Anne Boleyn.

    The Worm and The Fledgling is Book Two of The Phoenix Trilogy, Story of Jane Seymour, by G. Lawrence

    The author's thanks are due to Julia Gibbs, proof reader of this work, and Dill's Designs, the cover artist.

    ©2021 Gemma Michelle Lawrence (P)2024 Gemma Michelle Lawrence

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