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Couverture de The Worlds of S.E. Smith

The Worlds of S.E. Smith

De : S.E. Smith
Lu par : Bethanne Reid, Jonathan Strait
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    Embark on an exhilarating journey into the vibrant worlds of S.E. Smith, where seven captivating series await your exploration.

    In "Skeeter's Halloween Treat" from the Zion Series, join Skeeter, Krac, and Skeeter’s dad, Bulldog, on a heartwarming mission that takes a surprising twist. Then, delve into the Alliance Series with "Date Night," where a romantic evening among the stars becomes the perfect escape amidst the chaos of interstellar parenthood.

    Experience cosmic romance in the Cosmos’ Gateway Series with "Second Chance at Love," as Lal, an alien Prime warrior, tries to win the heart of a grieving widow through the magic of Christmas and his unwavering love.

    Enter the fantastical realms of the Seven Kingdoms Series with Ashure, the King of the Pirates, in "Ashure's New Year's Wish." Ashure, Orion, Drago, and Koorgan find themselves in mischief as the New Year approaches, leading to unexpected discoveries.

    In "Rena and the Gamer," an alien AI and a human gamer form an unexpected connection, igniting sparks of intrigue. Discover unbreakable bonds in "Connections," where Dust, Sammy, Josie, and Todd search for Daciana, learning that family is forged through ties we choose to create."Krazy Kettles and Genies" tells the story of a genie bought on eBay who finds himself in Magic, New Mexico, encountering a kitchen full of enchanted creatures and a charming restaurant owner. Finally, return to the Seven Kingdoms in "Roo and the Golden Coin," where Roo, daughter of Drago, King of the Dragons, embarks on a heartfelt quest to find a missing coin, discovering that the true treasure lies in the bond between father and daughter.

    Each story offers a tantalizing glimpse into the lives of unforgettable characters created by NY Times and USA Today bestselling author S.E. Smith, woven together in a rich tapestry of love, adventure, and magic. Don’t miss this captivating collection of short stories that will transport you to realms beyond imagination!

    ©2024 S.E. Smith (P)2024 S.E. Smith

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