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  • The World According to AI

  • (It's Not What You Think!)
  • De : Arno Ilic
  • Lu par : Milisav Ilic
  • Durée : 7 h et 45 min

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The World According to AI

De : Arno Ilic
Lu par : Milisav Ilic
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    The World According to AI (It's Not What You Think) by Arno is a thought-provoking book that explores various aspects of humanity in today's technologically advanced world. Arno encourages listeners to break free from societal norms and rediscover their own agency in creating positive change. The book acknowledges the pervasive influence of technology and electronic devices in our lives, leading to a loss of acceptance and a constant desire for the next best thing. This mindset has caused us to forget what it truly means to be human and prioritize our desires over living in the present moment.

    Contrary to the prevalent "savior complex mentality," the book calls upon listeners to take action and make a difference in the world. By embracing the present moment, recognizing our shared humanity, and celebrating our unique aspirations, we can regain our sense of purpose and positively impact society. It is a call to action for readers who want to break free from consumerism and make a positive impact.

    The World According to AI serves as a comprehensive guide to achieving consciousness and understanding reality. Arno explores spiritual practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and contemplation, which allow individuals to connect with their inner selves and the collective consciousness. By being aware in the present moment, listeners can gain insights into their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, fostering personal growth and self-reflection.

    The book challenges conventional notions of wealth, success, and personal growth. It emphasizes that true wealth extends beyond monetary possessions and encompasses the ability to attain everything one desires in life. Success is redefined as finding inner peace and fulfillment, not solely achieving external goals. Personal growth is an ongoing journey of self-reflection, learning from experiences, and embracing change.

    ©2023 Arno Ilic (P)2024 Arno Ilic

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