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Couverture de The Woman at the Front

The Woman at the Front

De : Lecia Cornwall
Lu par : Hannah Curtis
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    A daring young woman risks everything to pursue a career as a doctor on the front lines in France during World War I and learns the true meaning of hope, love, and resilience in the darkest of times.

    When Eleanor Atherton graduates from medical school near the top of her class in 1917, she dreams of going overseas to help the wounded, but her ambition is thwarted at every turn. Eleanor's parents insist she must give up medicine, marry a respectable man, and assume her proper place. While women might serve as ambulance drivers or nurses at the front, they cannot be physicians - that work is too dangerous and frightening.

    Nevertheless, Eleanor is determined to make more of a contribution than sitting at home knitting for the troops. When an unexpected twist of fate sends Eleanor to the battlefields of France as the private doctor of a British peer, she seizes the opportunity for what it is - the chance to finally prove herself.

    But there's a war on, and a casualty clearing station close to the front lines is an unforgiving place. Facing skeptical commanders who question her skills, scores of wounded men needing care, underhanded efforts by her family to bring her back home, and a blossoming romance, Eleanor must decide if she's brave enough to break the rules, face her darkest fears, and take the chance to win the career - and the love - she's always wanted.

    ©2021 Lecia Cornwall (P)2021 Penguin Audio


    "An adventurous woman ahead of her time…a fascinating historical novel.”—Natasha Lester, New York Times bestselling author

    “A uniquely female perspective of World War I…a beautiful, touching, romantic women’s fiction novel that is sure to delight fans of Outlander and Downton Abbey.”—Lori Nelson Spielman, New York Times bestselling author

    "Realistic and emotionally engaging, you’ll believe every word."Toronto Star

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