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Couverture de The Witch's Prophecy

The Witch's Prophecy

De : Zarua D Maning
Lu par : Siobhan Bremer
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    In "The Witch's Prophecy," Celeste's life as a powerful and beautiful young witch turns unexpectedly when her tarot cards reveal a vision of Gabriel, a striking vampire, being brutally murdered by relentless vampire hunters. Determined to save him, Elara warns Adrian, and together they ally. Alongside her coven of seven diverse and powerful witches, Celeste combines her magical abilities with Gabriel's vampiric strengths.

    Their journey is a thrilling race against time as they travel through history to prevent the hunters' rise and change the course of fate. Amidst battles, spells, and ancient prophecies, Celeste and Gabriel's bond deepens, blossoming into a love transcending time and magic. But as they alter the past, they face unforeseen consequences and new, even more formidable threats.

    Filled with danger, romance, and enchanting adventures, "The Witch's Prophecy" is an epic tale of love and destiny that culminates in a heart-stopping cliffhanger, leaving listeners eagerly anticipating the next installment of this spellbinding saga. Dive into a world where magic and love intertwine and heroes are forged in the fires of adversity.

    ©2024 Adrian Guzman (P)2024 Adrian Guzman

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