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  • The Witch of the Whirlwind

  • The Sky Elders, Book 2
  • De : R.J. Young
  • Lu par : Chas Mandala
  • Durée : 6 h et 59 min

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The Witch of the Whirlwind

De : R.J. Young
Lu par : Chas Mandala
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    Even the Wind can kill when the Gods are angry.

    It’s been two decades since the Sky Elders returned to the mortal realm, entrusting the Itiwana tribe with protecting the Tree of Life. Tawa, chieftain of the Itiwana, is now an experienced warrior, beloved by his people. After the village is attacked by the Witch of the Whirlwind, Tawa learns he must fulfill an old promise and go on a quest. Tawa’s quest takes him far from home, where he must fight his foes alone.

    Meanwhile, Tawa’s children must honor their own promises. Young Pahana is appointed as interim ruler while his father is away, and he struggles with the burden of defending his people and protecting the sacred tree. The disruptive influence of the newcomer Hayoka blurs the line between friendship and duty. Tawa’s daughter Kia is one of the most powerful Shamans in the world. She finds herself tempted by outside forces who want to use the young prodigy’s formidable abilities for their own agenda.

    Unbeknownst to them all, the Witch of the Whirlwind is preparing to unleash the greatest threat that the Itiwana have ever faced.

    ©2023 R.J. Young (P)2023 R.J. Young

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