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Couverture de The Witch in Every Woman

The Witch in Every Woman

De : Laurie Cabot, Jean Mills - foreword
Lu par : Kate Zane
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    Create the life you a pathway to the powers within.

    All women possess the primal courage and strength of the Witch. In this breakthrough, life-altering new book, Laurie Cabot brings more than 40 years of experience as a spiritual counselor and practicing Witch to cultivate and celebrate the secret, magical side of every woman's nature. Unfolding the wit and wisdom of ancient Celtic tales, as well as many stories of her own making, Laurie shows you how ancient truths can empower you during many of life's dark moments and lead you on a path of success and personal fulfillment. Through story, ritual activity, and spiritual communion, you will learn how to use your instinctual nature to achieve your goals and feel energized, strong, and capable in your daily life.

    Explore how to:

    • Increase sexuality and bring into your life, and heart, the love you long for
    • Protect yourself and loved ones from physical harm, deception, or betrayal
    • Retrieve your inborn talent to heal ailments and diagnose disease
    • Sharpen your intuition about others and the world around you  

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio. 

    ©1997 Laurie Cabot and Jean Mills (P)2021 Tantor

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