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Couverture de The Winters

The Winters

De : Lisa Gabriele
Lu par : Emily Rankin
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    "A stylish, highly original and completely addictive take on du Maurier's Rebecca. Read it!" (Shari Lapena, New York Times best-selling author of The Couple Next Door)

    “Dark and richly atmospheric.... A bewitching novel about love, lies, and the ghosts that never quite leave us alone.” (Bustle)

    Some secrets never stay buried.

    After a whirlwind romance, a young woman returns to the opulent, secluded Long Island mansion of her new fiancé, Max Winter - a wealthy politician and recent widower - and a life of luxury she’s never known. But all is not as it appears at the Asherley estate. The house is steeped in the memory of Max’s beautiful first wife, Rebekah, who haunts the young woman’s imagination and feeds her uncertainties, while his very alive teenage daughter, Dani, makes her life a living hell. She soon realizes there is no clear place for her in this twisted little family: Max and Dani circle each other like cats, a dynamic that both repels and fascinates her, and he harbors political ambitions with which he will allow no woman - alive or dead - to interfere.

    As the soon-to-be second Mrs. Winter grows more in love with Max, and more afraid of Dani, she is drawn deeper into the family’s dark secrets - the kind of secrets that could kill her, too.

    The Winters is a riveting story about what happens when a family’s ghosts resurface and threaten to upend everything.

    ©2018 Lisa Gabriele (P)2018 Penguin Audio


    “Thrilling.” (Southern Living)

    “A bewitching novel about love, lies, and the ghosts that never quite leave us alone, The Winters is a masterful retelling of an old favorite that has enough surprises to keep readers hooked, even if they think they know how it all ends.” (Bustle)

    "[A] haunting reimagining of Daphne Du Maurier's original thriller, Rebecca.... This retelling...retains the allure and gothic tone of the original, while remaining a page-turner for newcomers to the story." (Booklist)

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