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Couverture de The Winter Tales

The Winter Tales

De : C. F. Crawford
Lu par : Cory Crawford
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    Hallie and Cory were surprised when they discovered that their grandmother knew about Mr. Snuggywhiskers. But how could she? They had met him when they climbed over a magic branch and, astonishingly, found themselves shrunken to mouse size and standing before the small, red door, with the cheese-shaped knocker, that led to his home.

    In Hallie and Cory’s second set of adventures with Mr. Snuggywhiskers, the friendly, well-spoken mouse who lives in the tallest tree in their backyard, they discover that mice celebrate Christmas, that Squirrel’s mechanical genius extends further than they had imagined, and that Mr. Snuggywhiskers traveled the world with their grandmother, bringing back magical gifts that he had been saving for them since before they were born. Along the way, they unravel some of the mystery of how this extraordinary mouse, with his green vest and blue suit, came into their lives, bringing them adventure, friendship, and entrance to an enchanting world right in their own backyard. 

    ©2016 C F Crawford (P)2021 C F Crawford

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