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Couverture de The Window’s Puzzle

The Window’s Puzzle

De : Jwyan C. Johnson
Lu par : Priscilla Broussard
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    Only a window knows if Robin Moore was robbin’ more! With no things stolen, and one gunshot in the dark, was this really dad’s burglary to steal child custody? And why is this little girl still missing? The seniority of suspicion attracts the legal fight in Miles Turner and the Jury Whisperer for another "street fight on a chessboard".

    With an unlikely helper, can Miles put puzzle pieces together to reveal a "window of opportunity?" Are there family pieces in this puzzle that simply don’t fit together? And should this trial start with the "puzzle end piece?"

    Climb inside The Window’s Puzzle for a trial of priorities, a criminal past, redemption, the joneses, and another man’s treasure. Join the jury to see if a complete puzzle reveals reasonable doubt, and much more.

    ©2022 Jwyan C. Johnson (P)2024 Jwyan C. Johnson

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