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Couverture de The Willow Tree Wharf

The Willow Tree Wharf

De : Léonie Kelsall
Lu par : Casey Withoos
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    The owner of Settlers Bridge cafe, Ploughs & Pies, Samantha is short on confidence and big on regrets. Marrying young to fill the void left by an unhappy childhood, she still works in the same small town where she grew up, too filled with self-doubt and insecurity to ever risk spreading her wings. But, with the end of her abusive marriage, will she be forced to surrender everything that forms the foundations so important to her?

    Urbane city restauranteur, Pierce DeAngelis, knows what it is to have everything ripped away. A crooked business partner has destroyed his lifetime dream. However, a chance encounter with Samantha is enough to reignite his passion, and together they concoct a plan for a new destination restaurant aboard a paddle wheeler.

    But, with their personalities like oil and water, will old hurts and hidden truths destroy the new business before it's afloat?

    ©2023 Leonie Kelsall (P)2023 W. F. Howes Ltd
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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