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Couverture de The Widow and the Will

The Widow and the Will

De : Lucy Cats
Lu par : Sheryl Hartman
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    (Originally published under the author names J. Thomas-Like and J.A. Thomas)

    Tess Kingston is a young bride suffering the worst tragedy imaginable. Just as she is finally piecing her life together again, long-kept skeletons come flying out of the closet and she finds herself at odds with her in-laws and in the cross hairs of the police.

    Hudson Marks is a brilliant new lawyer hired to represent the beautiful widow in a bitter estate battle and ends up defending her against looming charges of murder instead. Together, with the help of Hudson’s older brother, Ford, a smart and sexy investigator, the trio must find the real killer before Tess ends up in prison for a crime she did not commit.

    Unexpected sparks fly between Tess and Ford, and it’s up to him to save her from the real killer. Will she find love? Justice? Or both…

    ©2023 Lucy Cats (P)2024 Lucy Cats

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