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  • The Whispering Box Mystery

  • A Rick Brant Electronic Adventure, Book 5
  • De : John Blaine
  • Lu par : J.J. Campanella
  • Durée : 5 h et 29 min

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Couverture de The Whispering Box Mystery

The Whispering Box Mystery

De : John Blaine
Lu par : J.J. Campanella
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    Uvula Publishing presents the fifth volume in the Rick Brant Electronic Adventure stories-- The Whispering Box Mystery.

    As The Whispering Box Mystery gets underway, we find Rick and Scotty in an unfamiliar position: on the outside looking in, as Rick's father and scientist friends work on a secret government project. The Spindrift Island leader, Hartson Brant, had always implicitly trusted Rick and Scotty before, but ever since a government spook named Steve Ames came to him with details of a national threat, Hartson has refused to tell Rick and Scotty anything. It's a bitter pill to swallow, considering their record of saving Spindrift's projects from sabotage. It turns out that there is a new, dangerous weapon is in the hands of the wrong people. As usual, things get very dangerous, very fast for the boys as they discover the thieves/spies really want no interference in their plans!

    ©2023 John Blaine (P)2023 Uvula Publishing

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