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Couverture de The Wheel Options Trading Strategy

The Wheel Options Trading Strategy

De : Markus Heitkoetter
Lu par : Mike Norgaard
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    Finally: a proven trading strategy designed to create consistent profits.

    In my mind, there's no better business out there than being a trader. Nor has there been any better time in history for regular people to start trading.

    The wheel strategy in this audiobook is perfect for beginners since it is easy to understand and execute.

    And if you are an experienced trader, you are going to love the consistence and high winning percentage of this strategy.

    Here's what you will discover in this audiobook:

    • Why the wheel is the perfect trading strategy
    • The difference between trading for growth and trading for income
    • How to use the wheel strategy to trade for a living
    • Options 101 - what you need to know to trade the strategy
    • How to find the best stocks to trade and which ones to avoid
    • The best tools for the wheel strategy - most of them are free!
    • The detailed rules of the trading strategy - step by step
    • Ninja tips and tricks for trading the wheel
    • And many many examples!

    After listening to this audiobook, you can start trading the wheel strategy right away.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2021 Markus Heitkoetter (P)2021 Markus Heitkoetter

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