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Couverture de The Werewolf's Mask

The Werewolf's Mask

De : K. S. Gerlt
Lu par : Lucy Hartwin
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    A fiery-spirited girl. A mysterious rogue. And the Duke determined to bring them to their knees.

    Known in town as the girl with foreign, flaming-red hair, Serena finds solace at the Ranger's ranch, caring for and training their horses alongside her childhood friend, Chris. Determined not to end up like her mother, Serena steadily works hard toward her dream goal of one day having her own thriving ranch.

    But dreams can be shattered in a heartbeat, and the unexpected arrival of the son of a neighboring duke forces Serena to make a choice: flee into the Forgotten Forest to keep her dream alive, or submit to the desires of a cruel man who's never been denied whatever-or whomever-he wants.

    The townspeople whisper of the monstrous, wolf-like beast that roams the forest, stalking its shadows, and rendering the Forgotten Forest impassable to all but the most desperate. Should she let her soul and spirit wither and die under the jeweled hand of a human monster? Or is her freedom worth trespassing in the domain of a beast?

    Beauty and the Beast meets Little Red Riding Hood in a fun new twist in this teen/young adult werewolf romance, which is perfect for fans of Tamora Pierce and Sarah J. Maas.

    *This is a clean, no-spice, slow-burn romantasy.*

    ©2023 K. S. Gerlt (P)2024 K. S. Gerlt

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