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Couverture de The Well

The Well

De : Lilly Andaman
Lu par : Deb Lamperd
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    The loss of love in all its forms seems to be firmly entwined within the very fabric of life's intricate tapestry. The heartache it inevitably unleashes becomes an intolerable burden, at times plunging you into the deepest depths of despair and suffering. It seems that it is only in those darkest times that your quest begins in earnest to seek out answers to quell your inner turmoil. Maybe that is the truest purpose of suffering in your life, to propel you on a journey to the revelation of your true inner power as a Divine being. "The Well" is a fictionalized journey of such a discovery; where Lilly, overcome with grief following the death of her son, seeks to end her own life in the forests of Michigan. Her intention, however, is thwarted by the accidental plunge to the bottom of an old farming well. Through her haze of confusion, Lilly is confronted by the image of a man who calls himself the Prophet. As he projects back to her scenes from her past, the prophet reveals the hidden nature of her reality and how she is a powerful co-creator within the Divine Mind of the cosmos. Lilly is at last able to see that lying within the synchronistic events of her life, there is a far deeper meaning and purpose than she ever could have known. For those who have eyes ready to see and a heart willing to heal, this story is for you.

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